Kuso by Yangire
Kitty on Fire Records

Kuso by Yangire

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Since 2013, Yangire has been attempting to capture the violence of extreme metal and hardcore in an entirely mechanical and electronic medium. Working with twisted atmospherics, anime-inspired visuals and an unhinged experimental mindset, Yangire has finally put together its first EP: KUSO. 

KUSO is a battering ram of lacerating brutality, seething despair and occasional darkly humorous moments, pieced together by Yangire's fruits after 4 years of blindly experimenting with electronica and its vast possibilities. It is a loose concept EP about the absolutely shittiest depths of human nature, though it can also be seen as an EP that tries its best to push the boundaries of edginess and weebery. 

Yangire is a Singaporean electronic artist inspired by violent electronic music as well as extreme metal and hardcore. Also, yandere lolis and stuff.

(KOF 316)

by Yangire

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released February 8, 2018 

originally released September 27, 2017 

We are happy to be re-releasing this album with a CD (forthcoming this week). Album was for pay for first month on Yangire's bandcamp. 

Yangire (ヤンギレ) - Music 
Poregorn (プログロ) - Artwork 

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